Gratitude Cubed - G3

Cube Your Level of Gratitude & See What Happens. Why Live an ordinary Life When You Can Live a Miraculous Life?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What Happens When Gratitude Takes a Back Seat?

I admit that I've been backsliding.

You know the posture.

You're slipping down in the back of the chair until your actually laying on your back?

Yes. That one.

It's uncomfortable. You want to change it but you know it will cause pain adjusting to a better posture.

So you put it off until your sensory nerve endings are screaming at the top of their neurolungs.

When you finally do begin to move, you immediately feel relief, a sense of being at ease, and you think to yourself, "Why didn't I do this sooner?"


My posture with gratitude has resembled this picture for a few weeks now.

I've been miserable and I haven't been able get to the why.

It's been very frustrating. Then an email came my way that reminded me that I have a choice as to whether I choose to remain in this uncomfortable posture.

No one is holding a wet noodle to my head saying, "I'm not afraid to use this thing!"


And so again, I commit to walking in the light of Gratitude; to walk in the knowing that the Big G is the key that unlocks the flow of positive results in my life.

For my own sake, I will repost this poem. Perhaps it will speak to you too.

I Choose Gratitude

On this day, I choose
To feel nothing but gratitude.

I am grateful
For what shows up in my life.

I am grateful
For what has yet to show up in my life.

I am grateful
For the opportunity to live in the
State of gratitude.

For I know that it is in this state that
Keeps me connected with the
Awesome power of the universe.

The Poet said
We can make ourselves miserable
Or we can make ourselves stronger.
The effort required is the same.

Why not choose the best?


Barry @ G3


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