Gratitude Cubed - G3

Cube Your Level of Gratitude & See What Happens. Why Live an ordinary Life When You Can Live a Miraculous Life?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Everyday Gratitude & the Big, Bad...Good!

What is everyday gratitude?
It's the result of the anticipation that revolves around the knowing.

Yeah, I know. That's a lot to get your mind around.
Here's a better way to think about it.

I have a knowing. That knowing is surrounded by the anticipation of Good.
Notice the upper case G? I'm not talking lower case good.

I'm talking Big, Bad..Good. ;-) The kind of Good that has BARRY (or you could insert your name) written all over it.

The kind of Good that is unavoidable.

That's what I expect each day.
And each day, that Big, Bad..Good finds me.

I love the cycle. I look for the Good.
The Good finds me. I express graitude for the Good.
I feel great and look for more Good...

For instance, this morning I woke up. I said silently to my Self, "Look for the Good." I found it in a pot of coffee that was simply exquisite. I found it in the face of my son Justin when he opened his eyes after my kiss on his cheek. I found it in the rays of sunshine that have been hiding as of late. I found it in a rainbow when I walked outside at lunch time. I found it in the ability to write this today.

Look for the Good.
Anticipate the Good.
Love the Good.

The Big, Bad..Good.

Barry @ G3

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today I am Grateful...

For the sun that finally shone through the ominous rain clouds here on the Central Coast of California.

For the love of my son.

For the flowers outside my kitchen.

For my parents, whose love is unlimited.

For those who have influenced my life and never knew it.

For those who will buy and read my new book that isn't written yet.

For the path I walk each day.

For CSE and it's Oasis of Peace.

For life and love.

For two new lives; Taylor Grace and Raphael Joseph - May you each know only love and goodness.

