Gratitude Cubed - G3

Cube Your Level of Gratitude & See What Happens. Why Live an ordinary Life When You Can Live a Miraculous Life?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

5-10-96 The Day the World Changed


How can it be that you are ten year's old?
Wasn't it only yesterday that I held you for the first time?

Didn't you only begin walking a little while ago?
Could it be that you began growing up when I was blinking?

If the truth were told (and yes, truth is the only way), I would
have to say that life distracted me far too much in these past
ten years.

Now, when your shoe size is almost the same as your age
and your brown eyes have seen so much pain and suffering,
I am reminded, once again, of the brevity of life on this earth
and my resolve to never let such moments slip by unnoticed.

Somehow, I've lost touch with the little things that mean so much;
Your grumpiness in the morning when you've selpt so soundly;
The sweetness of your nature, so young and unspoiled;
Your heart so full of compassion for those around you.

These are the elements that make up life.
And somehow, because of pressures at home and at work,
they taken a silent seat in the background.

Still, I resolve to be more vigilant in my observation and awareness.
I want to mark these moments that, all too often, are already in the past
when they gain my attention.

Your life is a celebration of what love is.
I've always known it.

Though you may not understand the sentiment from which I write,
you do understand the steadfast love in my heart,
and maybe, the pride in my eye when I watch you play third-base
or become absorbed in a video game.

There are no words to adequately convey the depth of my love
for you. The same love that envelopes your brothers and sister
bubble up each minute that I breathe.

Happy Birthday my young son.
Your are my heart's next beat;
And closer than my jugular vein.
